Bahamas Marine EcoCentre is a 501(c)3 non profit organization that is funded entirely through private donations and grants. We invite you to partner with us in promoting awareness and sustainability of the unique Bahamian environment and empowering Bahamian youth through environmental education programs.

Enter the amount you wish to donate and click the Submit Button below, you will be taken to a secure website to complete the transaction.  All donations are tax deductible.

Credit cards accepted or you may use your Paypal account.

Thank You for your interest and your generous support of the Bahamas Marine EcoCentre!


Amazon Smile is a great way to support Bahamas Marine EcoCentre

When you shop on Amazon Smile (, the Amazon Smile Foundation donates 0.5% of the purchase price to the charitable donation of your choice.

Simply set Bahamas Marine EcoCentre as your charitable organization and log into when making purchases.